We Hacked a Scammers Webcam – Tech Support Scam
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We managed to hack a scammers webcam, we hacked his computer by turning his technical support script arround. This technical support scammers had windows 10 fully updated, so we had to bypass the antivirus…. Since its a laptop we really wannted to access his computer. We noticed he had a webcam and we accesed it…. This is what he deserves for stealing elderly peoples money. KARMA! this tech support scammer got EXPOSED! stay tuned for more hacking videos!

Hello YouTube, I am Malcolm Merlyn. As most of you are aware, there are a lot of different scammers out there and these include Nigerian prince email scammers, Indian tech support scammers, IRS scammers and others. They have been around for over 10 years now and they don’t seem to be going anywhere. After getting a lot of calls, sometimes very early in the morning I have decided enough is enough. If the government won’t shut down these pests then I will.

I created some virtual machines and started calling scammers using a fake caller ID. The calls were quite hilarious so I started uploading them on YouTube; this was great as I was raising awareness about scams while also earning money. In total I have called scammers over ten thousand times in the past year and a half. I created a number of programs to annoy them including a call flooder that can call the scammers many times per minute which overloads their phones.

JOIN DEEVEEAAR DISCORD: https://discord.gg/Q2n8rdT

REPORT SCAMMER NUMBERS: https://scammerblaster.com/


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DONATE: https://streamlabs.com/malcolmmerlynglobal#/
MERCHANDISE: https://www.designbyhumans.com/shop/MalcolmMerlynGlobal/


TWITTER: https://twitter.com/MerlynYouTube/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/MerlynGlobal/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/malcolmmerlynyt/


Deeveeaar: https://www.youtube.com/c/deeveeaar/
Malcolm Merlyn: https://www.youtube.com/c/malcolmmerlynglobal
Kaiba Corporation: https://www.youtube.com/user/YGOProKC


Anti-Scammer Toolset: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ilpe5kavsmnv81o/Anti-Scammer+Toolset.zip
Yu-Gi-Oh! TDOANE: https://ygopro.org/
Video Rating: / 5

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