software vulnerabilities

Vulnerable components in software lurk everywhere. At the same time, business competitiveness hinges on the speed and quality of software delivery. So, how does an enterprise not only keep up with application security, but also thrive despite the threats posed by risks in their software?

A software composition analysis (SCA) solution can help organizations identify known vulnerabilities from open source components used by their applications, and alert businesses when new vulnerabilities are discovered after an application has been scanned or when existing known vulnerabilities have had their severity level upgraded.

Companies using SCA gain benefits beyond more secure code as well – they can reduce unplanned work, lower risk exposure across the business, and achieve regulatory compliance.

A new report from Forrester Research, Now Tech: Software Composition Analysis, Q1 2019, details the importance of improving open source security with SCA and guides security professionals with descriptions and key takeaways about what to expect from an SCA vendor to provide the best value to their organizations.

It lists Veracode among the largest providers based on annual revenue.

The Now Tech: Software Composition Analysis, Q1 2019 report states:

According to global security decision makers, the top two business priorities for their firms are to grow revenue and improve the experience of customers (41% and 38% of respondents, respectively, said this is a high or critical priority). Accelerating the use of open source components can help achieve both priorities by letting developers focus on creating new and unique features rather than recreating basic functionality. It’s long past time for security pros to realize the benefits of open source components and embrace its use in development.

Every business needs to understand the pervasive nature of vulnerabilities in the software that is powering advancements in every industry. Veracode’s State of Software Security Report Vol. 9 found that more than 85 percent of all applications have at least one vulnerability in them. The report, based on 700,000 scans performed over 12 months, also found 87.5 percent of Java apps contain at least one vulnerable component, and the pass rate for the OWASP Top 10 most critical web application security risks on initial scan declined for the third year in a row.

Click here to read the full Forrester Now Tech: Software Composition Analysis, Q1 2019 report, and find out more about Veracode’s SCA capabilities.

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