Hackerman demonstrates how to hack common household objects back or forward in time

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DIRECTOR & EDITOR – Jonas Ernhill
WRITER – Leopold Nilsson
PRODUCERS – Jonas Ernhill & Leopold Nilsson
EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS – David Sandberg & Linus Andersson
HACKERMAN – Leopold Nilsson
COORDINATOR – Jonathan Gustavii
DIRECTORS OF PHOTOGRAPHY – Jonas Ernhill, Martin Gärdemalm & Mattias Andersson
POST PRODUCTION – Jimmy Lotare, Line Degerhammar, Boris Söderlind & Klas Trulsson
MUSIC – iamMANOLIS (“Wave”) & Lost Years (“West Side Lane)
SOUND DESIGNERS – Linda Iro Näsström & Erik Emanuelsson
COLORIST – Jonas Ernhill & Martin Graderman
PRODUCTION ASSISTANS – Anton Hjalmarsson, Patrik Löfgren & Adam Forsén
FILMED IN – The Grandma Fury’s Garage
PRODUCTION COMPANIES – Laser Unicorns & Lampray
THANKS TO – Film i Västerbotten, Random Bastards!, Forsure, Nils Moström & Jonas Westlund
Video Rating: / 5

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