Tag: Source

  • The Hunting ELK or simply the HELK is an Open-Source Threat Hunting Platform with advanced analytics capabilities such as SQL declarative language, graphing, structured streaming, and even machine learning via Jupyter notebooks and Apache Spark over an ELK stack. This project was developed primarily for research, but due to its flexible design and core components, […]

  • Developers are taking free open source programs, repackaging them as Windows 10 UWP apps under different names, and then offering them on the Microsoft Store. In some cases, the developers are offering these programs as paid apps or with in-app purchases. […] BleepingComputer

  • At Veracode, we’ve been the first and the loudest in proclaiming that companies need to be vigilant in how they use open source components in their software. Our research shows that open source components are used with increasing regularity in the enterprise. The State of Software Security Volume 9 report, which examined 700,000 scans over […]

  • Veracode Software Composition Analysis now also scans Docker containers and images to find vulnerabilities associated with open source libraries as dependencies of the base OS image and globally installed packages. If you’re interested in understanding how containers work, the different components that make up your container ecosystem, and how that differs from virtualization, we recommend […]

  • Hacking Web Intelligence: Open Source Intelligence and Web Reconnaissance Concepts and Techniques Open source intelligence (OSINT) and web reconnaissance are rich topics for infosec professionals looking for the best ways to sift through the abundance of information widely available online. In many cases, the first stage of any security assessment—that is, reconnaissance—is not given enough […]