Spring 2012 Student Hackathon Coding
best computer for hacking
Image by hackNY
Photo by @matylda

The Spring 2012 Student Hackathon brought in hundreds of students to NYU’s Courant Institute for 24 hours of creative hacking on New York City startups’ APIs.

Selected startups presented their technologies at the beginning of the event, and students formed groups to brainstorm and begin coding on their ideas. Students worked into the night, foregoing sleep to fulfill their visions.

On Sunday afternoon students presented their projects to an audience including a judging panel, which selected the final winners.

hackNY hosts student hackathons one each semester, as well as the hackNY Fellows program, a structured internship, which pairs quantitative and computational students with startups which can demonstrate a strong mentoring environment: a problem for a student to work on, a person to mentor them, and a place for them to work. Startups selected to host a student compensate student Fellows. Students enjoy free housing together and a pedagogical lecture series to introduce them to the ins and outs of joining and founding a startup in NYC.

For more information on hackNY’s initiatives, please visit www.hackNY.org and follow us on twitter @hackNY

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