Hijacking Valentines Day 2011: London workshop
Image by craftivist collective
Each year we try and hijack valentines day and remind people to “Show some love” for their global neighbours as well as the usual smushy stuff. We want you to join in our craftivism project this year please.
This year we hope to have people all over the globe make as many cards as they can and leave them around their area on Valentines day. In the last 2 years we have left 100 letters around Liverpool and London. Each letter will contain an alternative valentine’s letter, a handmade gift that Tatty Devine are designing for us and a love heartsweet. Hand delivered to gaps in walls, cash machine slots, shop shelves etc- You don’t have to be in a relationship to have one of these!
We have craftivists in Cornwall, Coventry, Newcastle, Leeds, Bangor and Vancouver, Canada already planning their session to deliver this project. Please email us your full name and contact number at craftivist-collective[at]hotmail dot com if you want to join them or do this project in your area as an individual craftivist or as part of a group.
London craftivists are meeting Thursday 20th Jan 6:30pm in Tatty Devine’s Covent Garden shop to make 100 keyrings out of shrink plastic. It’s a small venue so RSVP is needed. More info on Facebook. Then we will need people to help us plan our letters in hidden places in central London on the morning of Monday 14th February. Please contact us if you can help
Find the letter template, instructions video, images, press release and the design for the keyring on www.craftivist-collective.com
There are so many distractions wherever we live, particularly on Valentines Day. Hopefully these cards are a friendly reminder of the difficult circumstances our global neighbours are in and the gifts are there to encourage a conversation to start even after Valentine’s Day.