Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World’s Most Wanted Hacker

Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World's Most Wanted Hacker

Kevin Mitnick’s long-awaited memoir of computer hacking on the run from the FBI, revealed now after seven years of government-mandated silence. Kevin Mitnick, the world’s most wanted computer hacker, managed to hack into some of the country’s most powerful – and seemingly impenetrable – agencies and companies. By conning employees into giving him private information and manoeuvring through layers of security, he gained access to data that no one else could. The suspenseful heart of the book un

Price List: £84.99

Only for today on Amazon: £84.99

Are you looking for products for hacking, cybersecurity, and penetration testing? Do you need to cleanse your smartphone, PC, or website from viruses and malware? Do you need to track down a person or recover urgent information? Do you need to regain control of an account, email, or password that has been stolen from you? Interested in purchasing pre-configured devices to easily and quickly experiment with hacking techniques? Do you have specific requirements in software or hardware? We can assist you!

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