Learn network penetration testing / ethical hacking in this full tutorial course for beginners. This course teaches everything you need to know to get started with ethical hacking and penetration testing. You will learn the practical skills necessary to work in the field. Throughout the course, we will develop our own Active Directory lab in Windows, make it vulnerable, hack it, and patch it. We’ll cover the red and blue sides. We’ll also cover some of the boring stuff like report writing :).

This course was originally live streamed weekly on Twitch and built from lessons learned in the previous week.

💻 GitHub repo (for homework): https://github.com/hmaverickadams/Beginner-Network-Pentesting

🎥 Course created by The Cyber Mentor. Check out his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0ArlFuFYMpEewyRBzdLHiw
🐦 The Cyber Mentor on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thecybermentor

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00) – Course Introduction/whoami
⌨️ (6:12) – Part 1: Introduction, Notekeeping, and Introductory Linux
⌨️ (1:43:45) – Part 2: Python 101
⌨️ (3:10:05) – Part 3: Python 102 (Building a Terrible Port Scanner)
⌨️ (4:23:14) – Part 4: Passive OSINT
⌨️ (5:41:41) – Part 5: Scanning Tools & Tactics
⌨️ (6:56:42) – Part 6: Enumeration
⌨️ (8:31:22) – Part 7: Exploitation, Shells, and Some Credential Stuffing
⌨️ (9:57:15) – Part 8: Building an AD Lab, LLMNR Poisoning, and NTLMv2 Cracking with Hashcat
⌨️ (11:13:20) – Part 9: NTLM Relay, Token Impersonation, Pass the Hash, PsExec, and more
⌨️ (12:40:46) – Part 10: MS17-010, GPP/cPasswords, and Kerberoasting
⌨️ (13:32:33) – Part 11: File Transfers, Pivoting, Report Writing, and Career Advice

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