Existential Angst

In the face of the daily news from all sources, the Twitter-sphere, and the rest of the internet, it seems that we all are facing numerous existential issues. In the news cycle alone lately we have more and more proofs with data that anthropogenic climate change (ok ok destruction) leaves us with an expiration date for life on the planet of 2050. Meanwhile, the Trump administration (if one calls it that and not shit show) is busily destroying Democracy and seemingly trying to move that 2050 deadline to, oh, next year. No wonder why generally the populace, and in particular the youth today (Millennials and Z’s) seem to be losing their collective minds and more often infantilizing themselves into a stupor.

Yes yes, of course the parents of those millennials also sculpted, wait, bulldozed, their psyche’s into this mess but after that, I cannot blame them looking at the world and just wanting to check the fuck out. I mean, look at all this shit today? How the fuck did we get here? No, it wasn’t just Russia either! No, we did this to ourselves and it’s only gonna get worse I fear. It will be a combination of fucked up elders and dysfunctional governments (mostly the US in this post) just spinning the cylinder on the .38 snub and hold it to our collective heads like that famous Vietnam war photo…. At least it can feel that way at times. We just have no control do we?

All of this and likely future fuckery that is to come makes me just postulate that we are in for a worse time down the line and that many of you out there will just go all YOLO and give up. I for one often think about this on a grander scale and since I am in my later years, I often just have to settle with; “well, at least I did not have any kids” because fuuuuuuck are they going to have to deal with all this shit when the bill comes due!

Which brings me to my next topic, as we move through all this and still do not do anything to really address the more existential issues that we all must deal with or die, I suspect more and more people will just resign themselves to it all and let apathy take them away. Some will be cognizant of it all and steadily lose their minds, showing many manifestations of mental maladies and perhaps take up behaviors like drugs, or other hobbies to just not deal with reality. It’s easy to get lost in the cyber now right?

Game away your pains and dull your senses with some drug or whatnot right?

Lately I have wondered and pondered at the people in this hacking/infosec community as well and why they seem so fixated on all this or that shit, lacking any broader ability to converse about things or experience things. Perhaps they already feel this, perhaps they are all spectrum…

Who knows.

Ugh, whatever… Just deal with your mortality kids.



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