Tag: Types

  • In this video you will learn about what is hacking and types of hackers in hindi,, HACKING & Types Of Hackers # Hacking is a Technical Process Where finds and exploits the weakness in computer systems and/or networks to gain access. Hackers are usually skilled computer programmers with knowledge of computer security. Types of Hackers […]

  • This is a introductory video to a domain of Information technology that is Network security. Definition of Network Security: Network security is protection of the access to files, directories and information in a computer network against hacking, misuse and unauthorized changes to the system. In this video tutorial the basics of Network security, some definitions, terms and […]

  • Namaskaar Dosto, yeh ek interesting video hai jaha maine aapse hacking ke baare mein baat ki hai, aap mein se bahut se users ke sawaal the ki ethical hacking kya hoti hai? kya hacking legal hoti hai ya illegal hoti hai, aur Black Hat Hackers, White Hat hackers, aur Grey Hat hackers mein kya differences […]

  • What are “white hat,” “gray hat,” and “black hat” hackers, and what are some of the more noteworthy hacks from each group? TunnelBear message: TunnelBear is the easy-to-use VPN app for mobile and desktop. Visit http://tunnelbear.com/linus to try it free and save 10% when you sign up for unlimited TunnelBear data. Follow: http://twitter.com/linustech Join the […]