Tag: Privacy

  • Maciej Cegłowski has a really good essay explaining how to think about privacy today: For the purposes of this essay, I’ll call it “ambient privacy” — the understanding that there is value in having our everyday interactions with one another remain outside the reach of monitoring, and that the small details of our daily lives […]

  • Microsoft has released an update for certain devices that will display a notification containing information and instructions on how to configure privacy settings that were not properly shown during a Windows 10 installation. […] BleepingComputer

  • All is not well in the land of smart city planning, as the latest major planned development from Google’s sister company Sidewalk Labs continues to run into problems in Toronto, Canada. A groundswell of support? Building a city “From the ground up” is apparently no longer a thing: at least some folk with a hand […]

  • There are a few certainties in life. Your attempt to use the fifteen-item express checkout line with sixteen items will be denied by the seventeen-year-old cashier. The motorcycle cop will write you a $ 150 ticket instead of warning for going just three miles over the speed limit in your neighborhood. Your tactic of ignoring […]

  • You: For Sale: Protecting Your Personal Data and Privacy Online You: For Sale Price List: £27.99 Only for today on Amazon: £18.01