Enemies of The People: An Information Operation

Yesterday, I saw an article on the news wire that had Krebs lawyer mention a site (enemiesofthepeople) and decided to do a little looking. Going down the rabbit hole, I used Google Domains to do some searches to see what iterations of the site were already taken and found a list of sites that I […]

Trape – OSINT Analysis Tool For People Tracking

Trape is an OSINT analysis tool, which allows people to track and execute intelligent social engineering attacks in real-time. It was created with the aim of teaching the world how large Internet companies could obtain confidential information. Example types of information are the status of sessions of their websites or services and control their users […]

Why I teach people how to hack | Ýmir Vigfússon | TEDxReykjavík

Ýmir tells us why he teaches his students how to hack and how understanding hacking gives an insight into computer security and the best mindset to react to attacks. Ýmir is an assistant professor at Reykjavík University, Ph.D. in computer science, entrepreneur and hacker. Ýmir’s website: ymsir.com TEDxReykjavík was held for the fourth time on […]

Dark Psychology Secrets & The Art Of Reading People 2 In 1: Signs A Toxic Person Is Manipulating You And How To Handle It

Dark Psychology Secrets & The Art Of Reading People 2 In 1: Signs A Toxic Person Is Manipulating You And How To Handle It Your colleague says that he agrees, but does he really or is it only a facade? Have you ever thought that you were going crazy, your self-esteems suffer or do you […]

Have fun with friends and nosey people/ hackertyper.com

I’m just showing you http://hackertyper.com/ hit F11 for full screen, ALT 3 times for access granted, CAPS LOCK 3 times for access denied, and type away furiously forhacker looking giberish.

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