Tag: Common

  • The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security performs evaluations on common IT products and releases a report called “Common Criteria Certification.” This process allows for organizations to review an evaluation without needing to set up and configure an IT product that they would like to test. Tripwire Enterprise v8.8.2.2 was recently evaluated and passed the certification. […]

  • Many are very confused about what happened with Parler being pushed off the internet, and I think I can help. Imagine that you’re a new virtual server provider and you have five scenarios: You get a message saying one of your customers is hosting a joke forum that has within it some sexist jokes. Al […]

  • top 5 most common hacking methods and algorithms ———————————————————————————————– Hacking has increased dramatically this past year, it has become a big concern for people , companies and governments. In this video we will introduce you top 5 most hacking algorithms which are used by hackers now a days. The purpose of this video is people […]

  • We previously posted a blog about the Ursnif family of malware using language checks to determine the end user’s location as a means of bypassing sandbox-based endpoint protection during regionally targeted attacks. Since then, we have seen a couple more examples of malware using clever methods to indirectly determine the language of the running machine’s […]

  • DevOps is revolutionizing the way enterprises deliver apps to the market by blending software development and information technology operations. This convergence creates an assembly line for the cloud, as Tim Erlin wrote for The State of Security, by increasing the rate at which companies can develop apps and deliver them to users. 12 Common Tools […]