Chucking It All: How Downshifting to a Windswept Scottish Island Did Nothing to Improve My Quality of Life (Maverick Lifestyles)

Chucking It All: How Downshifting to a Windswept Scottish Island Did Nothing to Improve My Quality of Life (Maverick Lifestyles)

Chucking It All: How Downshifting to a Windswept Scottish Island Did Nothing to Improve My Quality of Life (Maverick Lifestyles)

Chucking It All Named one of the twelve best travel books of 2009 by Worldhum, Chucking It All exposes the gritty reality behind all those twee bestsellers which extol the joys of sunny rural idylls. With its remorseless true-life account of downshifting to a remote Scottish island, Chucking It All uncovers the frightening realities of relocating to “a magical island lost in the mists of time” as you follow the w… Full description

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